The Invisible Postpartum Mum: Are you guilty of this common mistake?


The Invisible Postpartum Mum:  Are you guilty of this common mistake? 

There are few moments in life that even come close to the moment you first hold your baby. It’s a magical experience, a mixture of love, pride, exhaustion – there isn’t one specific word that can quite accurately describe the power, the force, the rawness, the enormity of meeting your new baby. 

And its not just the new parents catching all the feels.  Chances are, your family and friends will be patiently (or impatiently) waiting to meet the new addition, eager for their first cuddle.  

It goes without saying, the birth of a new baby is a pretty exciting time for everyone. 

But somewhere, somehow, in amongst the beautiful chaos that comes with the arrival of a new baby, we often forget the single most important thing of all….

The mother.

Remember, new mums need love too.

While the birth of a baby is a beautiful experience, reality is the new mother has just gone through one of the most life changing, physically exhausting, painful and emotional experiences of her life. She is sore, swollen, tired, and navigating her new role on this earth as a mother.

The journey into motherhood is a beautiful one.  But at the same time it’s also incredibly scary.

So while we are busy admiring the new baby, lets not forget about the mother. The star of the show. The woman who grew that tiny human for 9 months.  The superhuman who literally just gave birth.

The invisible postpartum mum.

For right now, right now is the time she needs to be loved the most.

All mothers need to feel cared for, seen, and supported.

New mothers are no exemption.  In fact, most new mothers are at their most vulnerable in the weeks and months following birth.  All the more reason to show you are right there beside her, right now in this moment.

Here we share some simple and practical ways to show your support to the postpartum mother:

  • Bring food. Meals, meals, and more meals.  And desserts of any kind.
  • Drop off nappies, formula or anything for postpartum healing.
  • Buy her a self-care bundle or any other comfort item.  And watch the baby so she can have an hour to herself for some much needed TLC.

Not sure what to buy?  No time to shop? No problem… Hush Little Babe have taken the time and guesswork out of choosing the perfect gift.  All gift boxes have been carefully selected by mums themselves with an emphasis on quality, comfort and practicality. At Hush Little Babe, we love to celebrate mum, so rest assured, you’re in good hands. 

Visit -gifts for mums and bubs.  Simply choose your gift (or we will happily tailor make the perfect combo) then sit back and relax while we work our magic. 

That’s shopping made easy – and more time for mum. 

So now you have some spare time, consider assisting with some basic household tasks:

  • Walk the dogs
  • Take out the rubbish
  • Wipe down the kitchen benches
  • Empty and load the dishwasher or do the dishes
  • Entertain the older kids or help with homework
  • Fold the laundry or do a load of washing
  • Order some groceries

Never underestimate the importance of the small things.

They may not seem like much to you, but that small task is an enormous help to the new mum.

So, on behalf of all the invisible postpartum mums of the world, THANK YOU for reading this article!  Your much needed love and support will not go unnoticed.

Now we have that sorted, we’ll share a few no no’s…

Never, ever, ever:

  • Pick up the baby — wait until the baby is offered to you
  • Show up empty-handed — bring something (anything!)
  • Show up unannounced – call first
  • Comment on how tired she looks — she is well aware of it
  • Ask how the baby is sleeping — in the early days, no-one in the house is sleeping
  • Ask if the baby is “a good baby” – please, what baby is bad?
  • Mention, in any way, shape or form… the mess.  Pitch in and help out instead.
  • Overstay your welcome — keep visits short and sweet.
  • Visit if you’re sick — wait until you’re better.
  • Offer unwanted advice — listen to see if she’s actually asking for your opinion before giving it.

And remember this, the single most important thing: 


Hold the mother. Hold the mother first… Then hold the baby.

This article is brought to you by Hush Little Babe, the boutique with a difference.








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